Monday, July 22, 2013

Discovery: Novas Frutas No Mercadao!

          Tudo Bem?
                    Tudo Bem!
                              Eu possible provar?
                                        Obrigada! Muito bom!

Today, I adventured around the Municipal Market of São Paulo or better known as, Mercadao. I learned about all of these new and exotic fruits and even got to sample a couple! The market is a huge building with aisles upon aisles of little stands with everything from exotic fruits to giant slabs of meat to candies and nuts to every kind of cachaca you can imagine! It is a foodie heaven.

Si Si Vinho!
 View from the Mezzanine

Beautiful Stained Glass Windows
The Fishies.
Mountains of fruit

Lots O'Laranja

And now Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIZARRE FRUITS!
(Please Note: Wikipedia is a plethora of free knowledge that will help you learn about this delicious fruits. Use it, don't abuse it.)

Portugese Name: Caju
Native to Northeastern Brazil

Portugese Name: Pitaia
Native to South America

(Note: This particular batch was imported from Columbia.)

Portugese Name: Rambutan Lichia
Native to Indonesia and Malaysia

Portugese Name: Maracujá
Native to Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay

Portugese Name: Granadilha
Native to Bolivia, Venezuela and Columbia

(Fun Fact: This is in the same genus as the passion fruit!)

Portugese Name: Ameixa Sun Gold
Native to China

Portugese Name: Physalis
Native to North and South America

Portugese Name: Noni
Native range from Southeast Asia to Australia

Portugese Name: Mangosteen
Native to Indonesia



Here are some other cool foods I found:
Mortadella com queijo & Suco de Limonda Expresso
Tamarindo Delicia

Brazil Nuts!

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